Sunday, September 30, 2012

MSNBC Political Cartoon: Week of 9/14

This political cartoon, posted on MSNBC last week, depicts a cartoonist's point of view of the Romney campaign. As you can see, the presidential candidate is portrayed as a robot being programmed by elephants, or his campaign advisors. His strategists are having trouble setting up the Romney-bot, illustrated by his recent gaffes insulting "government dependents," or so-called 47% of the country. But a breakthrough has been reached, shown by the cord being yanked out of the socket. Overall, this cartoon illustrates the Romney campaign going out of control, and his Republican Party supporters are losing their patience and depleting.

Chris Weyant, the illustrator of this cartoon and long-time cartoonist for The Hill, uses a majority of his cartoons to assess political campaigns and other political events in the news. Around election time every four years, Weyant uses his talents  in drawing satirical cartoons to voice his opinion about political campaigners. The audience for this cartoon is readers of The Hill and other papers or websites that frequently post political cartoons. More specifically, ones who like to laugh at mistakes that presidential nominees make throughout the campaigning process.

One of the devices that I noticed was strongly incorporated into the drawing is the arrangement of each of the elements of the cartoon. For example, when I saw this cartoon in the slideshow on, the first element that jumped out at me was Romney's face, followed by the "clank, clunk, whirr" indicating that something was not going too well.

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