Sunday, April 14, 2013

Calvin and Hobbes: "You Need a Lobotomy"

   This is one of the most satirical and classic Calvin and Hobbes strips I remember growing up with. In this cartoon, Calvin and Susie are playing a game involving a doctor and a patient when they start getting in an argument about where the game is going. Then the pretending starts to collapse when the two finally march away from each other in anger. It is a beautiful expression of youth and brings upon a  thoroughly accurate representation of childhood while reading and looking at the cartoon. On top of it all is a great sense of nostalgic humor.
   The first prominent rhetorical device that the author uses is the mood of the drawings. As mentioned in the brief quote from author Bill Waterson below, the dramatic angles and pictures alluding to soap operas are funny enough when they're real, so there was not much effort needed to parody the concept. More specifically, the timing of the drawings shifting from unfamiliar faces to the classical C&H style is so perfect because one can picture two children fighting while reading the dialogue beforehand, yet the pictures are still of adults and include those "dramatic angles" mentioned earlier. Next, the cartoonist uses the classic, witty ending by Calvin when he says, "the Surgeon General should issue a warning about playing with girls." Like almost all other C&H strips, it shows off his sophisticated, humorous vocabulary for his age as well as uses Hobbes as Calvin's more mature yet clever counterpart.  

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