Thanks to humankind's modern-day telescopes, the center of the Milky Way galaxy is now being turned into a giant physics laboratory.
A massive black hole in the center of our galaxy named Sagittarius A is currently pulling two bright, fast-orbiting stars, SO-2 and SO-102, very close with its large gravitational influence. What scientists want to test is if the black hole's gravitational pull actually affects the brightness of the stars, just as Albert Einstein predicted. More specifically, the star's path of light ultimately perceived by our telescopes should theoretically be disrupted by the black hole. By about 2018, SO-2 will be close enough to the black hole for astronomers to test whether Einstein's theory, establishing the laws of physics, is demoted and suitable for revision.
Daniel Cray, the author of this article, began contributing to Time Magazine when he won their national student essay. Over his years writing articles, he has authored more than 250 Time Magazine articles and has landed over 60 cover stories.
This is an appropriate article for today's context because, as it states in the article, over three record-breaking new telescopes are to be implemented within the next 10 years. The author's objective was to show to science readers that today is an exciting time in astrophysics and retesting laws that have been in place for a long time. A rhetorical device that prominently stood out was the tone of skepticism that almost wanted to challenge Einstein's legacy. For example, the author uses the phrase "if at all" as a phase in a sentence describing how scientists will measure any change in light direction. The author successfully achieved his purpose of proving that Einstein's theory can be up for question because of his influence through his cynical tone.
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